Back to School: Representation 101

One of the most common questions we get from our clients who are new to the business is, “Do I need representation?”
This is a difficult question because the only answer that is applicable to everyone is “It Depends!”
Representation is a big step in the career of an actor, and when you seek representation you want to make sure you are aligning yourself with an agency and/or manager that is reputable, and is actually going to help you in your career.
When determining when to get an agent, you need to look at where you are in your career. If you are just starting out and have little performance experience under your belt, it is probably too early. Before seeking representation, you should have at least a few credits under your belt and feel comfortable in the audition room. Many people try to sign with an agent or manager as soon as they enter the business, and this can be a big mistake for a couple reasons. Firstly, you should be wary of any agent or manager willing to take on new clients who don’t have much experience. The best way to find representation is to be sought out BY the representation. Some less than reputable companies sometimes try to take advantage of new performers. When signing with an agent or manager, you are making a big career decision with long lasting effects. You want to be sure you are going into business with a professional who will view you as a priority. Another reason not to get representation right away is that you want to build up a reputation as a performer first. In order to be attractive to high profile reps, work on building your resume and making relationships with casting directors.

Once you feel like you are ready to get an agent or manager, there are a few methods you can go about it. As we said above, the best way to get an agent or manager is to have them come to you.
Of course, if you think you are ready … there is nothing stopping you from submitting to an agent or manager.  If you decide to do so, make sure your toolkit is in good order and that you follow their instructions for submitting. 
A few things to have in place before seeing representation:

  • Photos (good pics of you without hats, sunglasses or masks ;-0 !!)

  • Resume (industry standard format is preferred)

  • Video Clips - YouTube can be helpful for this. Make sure you have a YouTube channel with clips of your performances.

  • Website or Portal - a place to see everything about you! 

Pro Tip:  Workshops and classes often end with agent and manager showcases. This is a great way to get in the same room as an agent or manager, get some feedback and have them see what you’ve got to offer.  Many actors have signed with a rep this way. Why not you?
Want to learn more, schedule a free 15 minute consultation with us HERE!


Back to School: Auditions 101


Back to School: Resumes 101