YouTube Handles: a new feature

Have you heard? It’s happening!!
YouTube is rolling out the ability to choose a personalized handle for all channels over the coming weeks! If you are on YouTube (and you should be), you should receive an email in your YT Studio when you can choose yours. Here are a few of the key facts and a great video from YouTube outlining what is happening and how it will affect you!

Here’s a great video from YT with all the details. Need help? Contact us today via email:

  • On November 14th, if you have not chosen a handle, YT will choose one for you! No worries, you can change it!

  • This might be a great time to start your YouTube channel or clean up that one you have be meaning to organize!

  • Are you a parent holding all your young performer videos under your name? Here’s your chance to get things in order.


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