IMDb, or the Internet Movie Database, is one of the leading online sources for all things movies, television, and the people who make them possible. Since 2002, IMDb has collected data on nearly every television series and film project, becoming the most comprehensive source for entertainment news and information. Fans are able to find info about film and tv projects, as well as individual pages about the people who work on them. Access to this wealth of information is free; however, IMDbPro is an exclusive paid subscription at $149.99 yearly, or $19.99 monthly. Many of our clients ask us about the importance of IMDbPro, and so we figured we would share our two cents.

While the standard IMDb platform is geared toward fans, IMDbPro is used exclusively by industry professionals (think production teams, agents, managers and yes .. actors). Subscribing for this service provides access to information about upcoming productions and ways to contact those involved. Additionally, IMDbPro has a Pro Casting service that lists casting opportunities and upcoming auditions. If you have a paid subscription, you unlock benefits such as your own IMDb page and URL, a resume page, website links, a platform for demo reels, headshots, and other media, a twitter and blog feed, and the option to apply for roles and post your own notices.

While an incredibly useful tool for actors who have film and TV credits, you may want to hold off on the Pro subscription until you have a few credits under your belt. Once you do, you can add your photo and lots more information. It's a great idea to take the plunge and customize your page, but be sure you are ready before you start spending money on an annual subscription.

If you are on IMDb, there is a chance that your profile may not be correct. If you find that is the case, we can help. Common problems include missing or incorrect credits and name errors. Good news .. these are all fixable. If you need help doing so, just let us know!

As a resource for entertainment insider information, IMDbPro may be valuable. If you are someone who has a film and television resume and is looking to increase their visibility, IMDbPro may be a worthy investment for you. Schedule a free consulting session with us to help determine if using IMDb is right for you, reach out to


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